Monday, November 23, 2009

Home sales rise to highest level since February '07

Due in large part to the old deadline for the first-time home buyer credit. Before the credit was extended to April 30th, 2010, buyers were rushing to close on their first home by November 30th, 2009. Naturally, this caused October home sales to rise drastically.

A few weeks ago, President Obama signed an extension to the $8k credit into law. In addition, there is a new credit for current homeowners so they can get $6500 if they buy a new home. For both credits, you must have a new home under contract by April 30th. The rules of the credits allow until June 30th for those contracts to finalize financing and close the transaction.

I am not alone in thinking that the extension and expansion of the home buyer tax credits will bring the typical spring buying season a little bit earlier than usual.

Read the full article here.

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