Thursday, September 24, 2009

Should $8k tax credit be extended?

Update: Here's a new article from the Seattle Times that discusses the same $8k credit topic written about in the below blog post. Check it out.

This is the question of the moment. At least in real estate circles it is. The theory behind extending it and possibly expanding it is that the credit will continue to stimulate the housing recovery. On the other hand, it will obviously cost a lot of tax payer's money.

As a Realtor, I am definitely in favor of extending AND expanding the tax credit. On the ground, I see signs of market improvement and increased sales activity. However, we are not out of the proverbial woods quite yet. Perhaps allowing our politicians to spend at this rate will bite us later...and that's where I think I'm a bit shortsighted.

But in just speaking about what will help our housing market...I say give $15k to ANY home buyer for the next year. Now that's true stimulus.

Here's an interesting take on the impacts of extending or discontinuing the tax credit.

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