Thursday, June 25, 2009

Boeing's 787 delay bad for local real estate?

When looking ahead to the outlook for Seattle area real estate in 2009, 2010 and must look at many different economic factors. I don't pretend to be an expert on other industries outside of real estate but the recent news regarding another delay on the 787 Dreamliner made me pause for a second.

Boeing certainly doesn't drive our local economy like it once did...however it is still a major player for employment around these parts. I would keep your eyes on this 787 project because any bad news for Boeing in this already difficult economic climate could have ripple effects on housing.

If Boeing loses too much money because of these delays or future orders for this plane are rescinded because of the long timeline then it's possible layoffs could follow. No jobs leads to selling houses or people not buying houses...not something our market needs.

Read full article here.

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