Thursday, February 12, 2009

More on the home buyer tax credit...

Well, it appears that in the negotiations to find middle ground between the bill that the House passed and the one the Senate passed...the $15k deal proposed by the Senate was wiped out. Of course, nothing is official until President Obama signs the package into law. But this isn't the best news for home buyers or for people like me in the real estate world. It appears the credit was eliminated to lower the overall cost of the stimulus package and perhaps put more focus on creating jobs. $15k or no $15k, people can't buy houses if they don't have a job!

There is a slight silver lining however. It seems as though the Senate and House agreed to make the current $7500 first-time home buyer tax credit permanent...meaning, a person can keep the money vs. pay it back as current law now requires. It also looks as if it might be bumped up to $8000. This could have a direct effect on Seattle real estate as it seems a lot of younger buyers are waiting out the "unknown."

In the end, I just hope the stimulus works for our country even if it doesn't have an immediate impact on the housing market. Roughly $8k will still be great for any Seattle home buyer making their first purchase...or their first purchase in 3yrs. Free money is free money!

Again, nothing is official yet. So I will have a full explanation of the bill as it relates to real estate as soon as I can.

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