Saturday, January 10, 2009

To Rent or Buy in Seattle?

Real estate agents are known for always saying, "Now is a great time to buy!" Well, that's not always the case for every potential home buyer. A lot of factors go into whether it makes sense to buy a home or to continue renting. For instance, the 2009 outlook for Seattle real estate appears to show that prices will level out or perhaps dip just a bit more. That combined with historically low interest rates might point to 2009 being a great time to buy a house. However, if the current economy makes your employment situation look troublesome...or you don't want the potential headache of home maintenance, then perhaps renting for now is best.

While systematically paying down a mortgage is a proven wealth building technique...and homeownership has many emotional benefits...the decision to buy a home must be taken on a case by case basis. The Seattle Times has a great article highlighting two different families who took different paths.

Read the full article here.

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