Thursday, October 29, 2009

Extending home buyer credit gaining major steam

Reports this morning are suggesting the Senate has agreed to pass some form of an extension on the $8k home buyer tax credit. In fact, they are also talking about expanding the benefit to select move-up buyers that have owned their current home for at least 5 years. To clarify, nothing is official yet...but it is exciting news nonetheless.

Here are a couple links to the story:

Article on

Article on

Monday, October 5, 2009

King County sales update

Sales in King County are up significantly from a year ago and prices show signs of stabilizing. Prices are down 7.9% from one year ago but this is the smallest decline since December.

I anticipate sales to surge again in October as we race towards the 1st-time home buyer credit deadline.

Here's the full article from the Seattle Times.