Monday, March 23, 2009

First-time home buyers success stories

This is another article from the Seattle Times (the city's last print newspaper) on a couple success stories involving first-time home buyers in Seattle. Every situation is different but there are certainly many deals to be had here in Seattle. Since when can a person buy a home for $350k in a great Seattle neighborhood?!

Read the full article here.

Homebuyers emerge for spring season

I hope that this blog can offer fair and objective takes on various aspects of the real estate market here in Seattle. The last thing I want this to be is a sounding board for every positive piece of news regarding real estate and nothing realistic or sobering. I especially have a distaste for "glass half full" people that like to skew statistics and information to make everything sound peachy! That being said, I have a direct investment in seeing this market turn around for the I get excited when I see articles published such as the one below. This article does a good job of stressing caution when looking at the recent gains in home sales. Furthermore, since Seattle eased into the housing slump versus crashing into it, our area may also see a more gradual rebound.

Read the full article here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Light at the end of the tunnel?

Let's hope it's not a train! The Commerce Department reported Tuesday that construction of new homes and apartments jumped 22.2 percent in February compared with January. This pushes total activity to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 583,000 units. This surge is good news to analysts who where expecting continued declines. However, construction activity remains 47.3% lower than a year February's gains must be viewed with some expectation of more housing troubles to come. All area's of the country posted increases in construction activity except the west, which has been hit hard by the slump in housing.

Read the full article here.